If you are like most people and driving and other forms of travel is essential to your work and life otherwise than this article is for you. With gasoline prices finally getting as high in this country as they have been in the rest of the world for some time people are starting to feel the crunch that it is causing on their budgets. Enter the electric car the so called savior of personal transportation in this country. The technology that makes the electric car possible has been with us for decades now. There is little reason for them not to be mainstream now other than the fact that oil has been a huge part of our economy and that we use so much that we have been getting bargain prices for all of these years. Now that the bargains are vanishing though alternative fuel sources and other alternative means of getting around are becoming more priority as expected. This is making a lot of people happy too. Lots of people are especially worried about the environment and the effect of burning so many fossil fuels and creating the green house gases responsible for global warming. This is especially true now that Al Gore’s movie has been released raising the concern to new heights. So besides the economy of the electric car the cleanliness with respect to the environment is also a major appeal. The electric car is not the only new form of transportation that is on the table however. The hybrid cars are receiving stiff competition from other alternative fuels like ethanol and hydrogen cells. These are both very renewable sources of energy and have very clean working engines. The hydrogen cells are especially cool because the only byproduct of combustion in this engine is water! Nothing could be cleaner than the environment than water. We’ll see… probably in 20 years when hydrogen cells are mainstream we will find out that the extra production of water is going to flood our country with rising sea levels and throw the planet’s spin off kilter or some crap like that. But for now I am excited with all of this new technology.
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